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Salary Ranges

These provide an indication only – your actual income will depend on your employer, your qualifications and experience, and the role you undertake.
National pay rates by category
Category Median pay Range
CategoryMedian payRange
Accounting$65k $37k - $120k
Agriculture, fishing & forestry$45k $30k - $85k
Banking, finance & insurance$57k $36k - $135k
Construction & architecture$65k $30k - $125k
Customer Service$40k $30k - $65k
Education$50k $30k - $75k
Engineering$75k $40k - $125k
Government & council$55k $35k - $125k
Healthcare$55k $27k - $105k
Hospitality & tourism$35k $25k - $55k
HR & Recruitment$57k $40k - $125k
IT$85k $45k - $182k
Legal$70k $40k - $130k
Manufacturing & operations$40k $27k - $85k
Marketing, media & communications$65k $35k - $115k
Office & administration$40k $30k - $60k
Retail$36k $26k - $65k
Sales$55k $35k - $105k
Science & technology$55k $35k - $100k
Trades & services$45k $27k - $75k
Transport & logistics$45k $28k - $85k

Statistics New Zealand's Quarterly Employment Survey shows a slight increase in total average weekly earnings (including overtime and benefits) over the last three months, making a yearly gain of just 1.3% - the lowest annual increase in average total hourly earnings since the June 1994 year.
Average weekly earnings were up to $972.69 from $965.28 three months earlier.
Salaries are likely to struggle to keep up with inflation over the next reporting period as GST increased to 15% in October, however income tax cuts which also came into effect in October giving all workers a boost in take-home pay to compensate.